This will be a set of tips to help you with your wiki!
- Did you upload your photos to Koinup? Don't even think about trying to upload photos to the wiki...our storage space here is puny.
- Did you resize those photos so they don't end up twice as wide as your viewable area on the page?
- Did you make new pages by starting with the link TO IT from an existing page, then choosing the little link tool on the edit menu? You won't lose pages that way...
- Did you read ALOUD to be sure you did not skip or double-up your words? Have you tried reading each sentence starting from the end of your project?
- Does EVERY page (except Blog and Main Page) have links back to the Main Page and Blog?
- Do you have permissions for your interviews stated on those pages?
- Are your MLA in-text citations and works-cited list correct?
- Did you check your work against Essid's PET PEEVES?
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