Welcome to my Wiki page! I am a freshman at the University of Richmond and I am creating this Wiki as an assignment for my English 103 class. I am currently studying how to create and explore virtual worlds, such as Second Life and using Web 2.0 technology by blogging. We are using these applications to learn how to write at the college level for academic audiences around the world. My professor is the coolest for allowing us to get involved with this amazing technology. I hope you enjoy what I am going to be posting on here!!=)
Here are links to my blog and Koinup account:
Blog-Ever Heard of College?
Koinup-URSpiders4 Works
Wiki Project #1:
Click here to read letters to a sibling, classmate, and teacher that I wrote about Second Life:
Describing Second Life to Different Audiences
Click here to read my analysis of an Ansel Adams photograph:
Ansel Adam's Photograph Analysis
Wiki Project #2:
Click here to read my analysis of one of Dennis Baron's sources:
PD's Baron Source Analysis
Click here to read about who my group saved Isis:
PD's Saving Isis Project
Click here to view my annotated bibliography for my final project:
PD's Annotated Bibliography
Click here to read about my Race Switch project in Second Life:
Prejudice in Second Life
"The Big One" Final Wiki Project:
Click here to view my project about fashion in Second Life:
Fashion in Second Life
Comments (3)
Joe Essid said
at 8:51 pm on Oct 25, 2009
Patricia, I will give you feedback on the analysis of Baron soon--but I wanted to fix one issue with the format of the page.
You have changed the highlight color, not the text colors, here. That makes the text hard to read. I fixed the first instance.
Joe Essid said
at 8:52 pm on Oct 25, 2009
Fix the others by using the "paint bucket" tool under the edit menu, select the text, and choose the white color. The text will show up normally and in the color you want.
Joe Essid said
at 1:58 pm on Oct 26, 2009
woot :)
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