
Caroline M's wiki

Page history last edited by Jane D 15 years, 2 months ago

Hi! My name is Caroline, and I am a freshman at the University of Richmond. This is my wiki page for my English 103 class, Introduction to Expository Writing. I have provided links to both my blog and wiki projects, and I would like to invite you to take a look at them. I hope you enjoy!


Big Gurl on Campus Blog:

My Blog


First Project


90DayJane Analysis:

Caroline Moles-90 Day Jane


Second Life Letters: 

SL Audiences Project 


Ansel Adams Project:

CMoles-Ansel Adams Picture Project


Second Project


Analysis of an Academic Article:

Big Gurl and Baron


Topic Focus and Annotated Bibliography:

Big Gurl and the Big One


Saving Isis:

God Save the Queen


Race Switch in SL:

Everyone Loves Chocolate


The Big One

Racism in Virtual Worlds



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